Well it looks like Kevin and Tasha are at it again...
After a brief stint in the rainy northwest winter, Tasha managed to wrangle her and her partner temporary positions in paradise. The two of them have been contracted by Rancho Santana to Design and direct the construction of a trail system in the green spaces of a resort development on the pacific coast of Nicaragua. Tasha's sister lives in the development full time, and when Tasha was visiting last winter, the Idea was born.
After a long travel day (and night) from their Bellingham base, Tasha
and Kevin finally made it to the Rancho, and have been poring over maps
and bumping around the dirt roads in their loaner land cruiser, getting a
lay of the land and brainstorming what they could do with what they
have. So far, excitement is high and the outlook is promising.
The '89 diesel Land Cruiser on loan to the pair for cruising the strip like jungle pimps.
Tasha enjoys some fresh coconut water from a roadside stand on the drive from Managua.
Tasha and her sister, Tanya, enjoy the clubhouse upon arrival.
The view of Playa Santana from the clubhouse.
The Casita where Tanya and her partner, Nick live full time.
The view from the porch.
Surely there will be more to come as the adventure continues, but this is all we have time for today, friends. Tasha and Kevin will keep taking photos and keep us posted as they delve deeper into the heart of darkness.....