Saturday, January 26, 2013

Birthday Bashes and Flying Fish

        Don't Worry, Folks- we will keep this one brief on words and rich on pictures. On January 22nd, Natasha passed the 30 year mark since her first breath was taken into her lungs in a hospital in the Bay Area of California. She has had a rich three decades full of adventure, a loving family, travel, athletics, an accomplished academic record, and plenty of time with friends and family in the woods and wilderness- from building forts with her sister to building character with troubled teens to building trails in the tropics. We were lucky enough to celebrate with her on the pacific coast of Nicaragua as the sun set over the ocean and the fish tacos came out of the fryer.
The bell tower at the club house as the sun sets on Rancho Santana.
A wedding party gathers on the courtyard where Tasha and her friends started their walk down the beach to the party spot.

Sunset colors fading fast over the water.

The birthday girl herself!

Tasha was kind enough to share her party with Isa (cutting cake) whose birthday was only a week before hers.

Let's just say there was some dancing... and it was AWESOME.

Little Billy sure knows how to cut a rug!

Happy Birthday!!!
Hod did that fish get all the way up there?

The pair received an underwater camera before their trip, and had the chance to try it out in some tide pools north of Rancho, near the community of Popoyo

Sunning near a tide pool with cacti in the background...

Check THIS fish out!!!

Back at work the following week, Kevin and Tasha are finding some BIG trees as they survey their trail.

Howler monkeys visiting a tree below Tasha's sister's property.

A monkey stretches out, hanging by its tail, to cling to the next limb as it moves through the dry canopy.

Tasha, Flagging the route along a steep hillside as the pair draws near to completing another loop of trail.
That's all we have to report on for now, but there will surely be more to come. Stay tuned and check back next week, when we hope to have pictures of intestinal parasites taking shelter inside Kevin's colon...


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