Thursday, December 10, 2009

Butter, Beardcicles, and Shredding the Gnar

Well, it's been a few days since our friends entered the Salty City, and boy have they been raising a stink! Yesterday, they even brought their game up a few thousand feet, and faced the elements: 3 to 1. Three sick shredders vs. one degree Fahrenheit.
The crew, consisting of Tasha, her sister Tanya, and their fuzzy friend, headed up the mountain for what they later found out in the lift line from a fellow shredder was known as "white trash wednesdays". On these very special days, skiers and riders who bring a children's toy valued at $10 or more to a collection table at the mountain can purchase lift tickets for a mere $15, down from the standard $58. The team selected toys that were as responsible as they could find, including a stuffed penguin accompanied by an educational DVD on the aquatic avians, and a boomerang (which gets kids outside, is biodegradable, and is AWESOME!!) Who knew giving children rad toys was trashy?

After a brief, mid-morning, toe-warming session (pictured below), the team skied their fill and got off the mountain before the fashion police could catch up with them and throw them all out on their rear's for Kevin's mismatched getup. (Because really, who wears blue boots with an orange jacket?)

The team refueled on yogurt and jerky (only the best- from Stewart's Meats, Yelm, WA) on their trip back down the mountain, to meet up with their other partners in crime back at home...
Cowboy, the crazy bird dog with an insatiable curiosity for all things that can potentially harm him...

Butter, the playful pit bull pushover who is easily conned by Cowboy into evil corduroy-destroying tug-o-war matches...
and Sidvicious, the larger-than-your-average-housecat pixie-bob with a kitten's meow to accompany his sharp claws and fuzzy jowls in his fierce defense of all things wrapped in paper and tied with curly ribbon. The team is currently planning tomorrow's strategy for taking over the world...
Stay Tuned.

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