No, the banana pictured here is not a rare strain that has been genetically engineered by monsanto to appeal to a wider range of consumers with its sleek, chocolate-brown exterior. I wish. This was a bright yellow banana imported from god knows which faraway country using untold litres of petrol, only to be left on the dashboard overnight in Bend, OR when the temperatures dropped to well below freezing. When the banana was found, our travellers were shuffling around in the few inches of fluffy snow that fell in the night, getting ready for a dawn departure from the shining city of cookies and pow pow. After waiting for 15 minutes for the truck to warm up enough for the tail lights to turn on (don't ask why), our duo puttered away into the morning, heading east along route 26.
As the hours passed, the countryside rolled by in the arid, white climate, with Old Faithful (the truck) chugging on steadily, hauling it's loaded rear end up the undulating hills of eastern Oregon, occasionally swerving as strong winds caught the rooftop load unawares. 13 hours and 2 more states later, Kevin and Tasha finally found themselves coming to a stop in front of nick's house (Tasha's sister's boyfriend), where her sister (Tanya), Nick, and their roomate, Dave reside in the City of the Great Salt Lake. (complete with a popcorn-and-cranberry adorned christmas tree).
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