Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas, America!!

Bring on the Yule!!! (says littletruk with his new grill-piece bungeed firmly in place for some wicked holiday driving.

Our travelers made their way east from the heartland of the west, across vast plains and corn fields, through nearly 300 miles of Nebraska, and 300 more of Iowa, before coming to rest 160 miles into Illinois amid a wasteland of box stores, overpasses, and tollbooths; the dreaded suburban netherworld of both Chicago and Gary, Indiana!!
They were not alone in this dreadful place, however, as they had suckered a old college friend of Kevin's to meet up with them and share in the misery on her way from western North Carolina to Ames, Iowa. Meredith is seen here next to her little red bean. Meredith and Tasha, happy to have such a Red Roof over their heads in such a dismal place.

Kevin and Meredith, Just before parting ways the next morning. Our Travelers then headed on east again, pushing through the tolls and lake-effect grayness to the natural wonder of Niagara Falls.
Did you know that the falls are made entirely of cotton candy?
Cotton candy and a hint of red and blue food coloring.
The two were kindly put up for the night by friends in Rochester, NY who were working on a recycled ceramic floor guard to be mounted under the stove they will have in the yurt they are erecting in a downtown Rochester backyard for the winter. Lauren and Mike wave as we depart from their company before the camera has had a chance to warm up enough to bring them into focus.

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